About CPI

We are hands-on professionals and have years of experience on both sides of the table. This way we effortlessly switch from our role as advisor to your organisation's interests. Based on our knowledge and experience, we offer practical and lasting solutions, which we jointly implement, embed and hand-over to your people. This is how, you are guaranteed to get lasting results.

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Our story

Change makers, reformers and innovators; that’s who we are. We deliberately tackle trajectories differently. You will see it in how we work and who works with us. Our experienced professionals understand that transformation is about the subject-matter and people. We create structural change with lasting results, a human-centric approach and transferred and embedded knowledge.



“Connecting People with Impact.”


Core values

“We share, we care, we connect”


The world

We believe the fast-changing world around us calls for a new ‘flexible’ approach. An approach by a resilient community of independent professionals here to help businesses and organisations do better.

This novel organisational model means we are often seen as an example in the market place. We like to take it one step further: because, in our opinion being an example is not enough. That is why we are actively involved in the debate on work and labour for all people.


Our clients

Our client network is large and diverse. From financial institutions to international corporations and from SMB to government institutions. Yet, they all have one thing in common: they want to change in an effective and structural way. Our expertise in the areas of Risk, Governance, Finance and our Hearts & Minds ™ approach helps our clients to achieve long lasting results.


Our organisation

CPI consists of a fixed group of partners and a community of 400+ independent professionals, of which over 100 are part of our inner circle. Each has years of experience on both sides of the table; both as a consultant and in practice. These professionals are given the opportunity to develop themselves and feel free to work in a way that suits them well. This is how we work together towards one goal: with a human-centric perspective delivering structural change.


Our passion

People are our passion. That is why we use the Hearts & Minds ™ approach. We want to create long-term value with a lasting change in behaviour. That way, improvements aren’t temporary, but tied to the organisational culture. Curious how this works? Discover the Hearts & Minds ™.

Experienced and dedicated professionals

Our professionals have years of experience on both sides of the table. As a result, we effortlessly take on the role of an advisor, while also showing a clear understanding of how things work in reality. More importantly: our approach is result-driven and hands-on. So you can count on powerful implementation capability inside your organisation.

Deliver results with your people

We focus on delivering results. More than others, we understand your people are at the heart of your organisation. That’s why we always consider the ‘human factor’ in everything we do. When giving advice, and certainly during transformation trajectories. With our Hearts & Minds™ approach, you will get tangible results with your people.

Transferred and embedded knowledge

Until the moment we become expendable, our work isn’t complete. We ensure extensive knowledge transfer, and this knowledge becomes fully embedded in your organisation. We say farewell, and you enjoy the lasting results.

Why work with us?

Susi Zijderveld,

Board of Directors & Director of Risk Management


“CPI’s strength lies in their knowledge and experience of the ‘hard’ side of compliance and risk processes, as well as the ‘soft’ side (behavioural change). Within one-and-a-half year, this combination has led to a significant and measurable improvement on integrity, compliance and risk thinking inside NS.”

Mark den Hollander,

CFRO and Member of the Management Board


“The pragmatic approach that CPI displayed using their Hearts & Minds methodology to assess our organisation was appreciated by Robeco. Moreover, the hands-on mentality during the design and implementation phase aligned well with the culture of the Robeco organisation. CPI takes ownership from the start and does not let go until the project has delivered the envisioned outcomes.”

Cuno de Witte,

Director Risk Assurance


“Ziggo has been able to increase and secure attention levels for privacy across the business, benefiting from CPI’s substantial experience as an implementation partner on privacy related measures. The development of privacy tools and process flowcharts, among other things, has made ‘privacy by design’ accessible across the organisation. In addition to our compliance with rules and regulations, the outcome is a greater understanding among employees of job-related security aspects.”

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